Alexis Deep's Custom Caption Prize
Alexis wanted a continuation of her caption series that won her this prize. In case you need a refresher, you can find all three caption on the contest winners page. Enjoy.
View ArticleAnzaleth's Custom Caption Prize
Anzaleth had a really fun idea for is caption prize - Batman has been feminized and enslaved by Catwoman and gets in an awkward situation as he opens up to Alfred, the butler. Enjoy!
View ArticleElena Starz's Custom Caption Prize
First things first, thanks to everyone who made the mini-contest such a success. It was way too hard for me to pick a winner. I really mean that. I thought forever about who I should choose and they...
View ArticleSissy Tamer's Custom Caption prize
Sissy Tamer loves Petra Lix and his directions were very simple: "Petra Lix. Angelina Valentine. Show me what a secret whore he is." I had a lot of fun making this one. Enjoy!
View ArticleSlutty Eve's Custom Caption Series
We've come to the end of the custom captions from last contest (unless I hear from Jessica Rivera or LilLuvLip), and that means it's time for the grand prize unveiling.Slutty Eve wanted a series about...
View ArticleIntroducing: Jackie Jizzbucket
Today is the beginning of the unveiling of the three new characters I'll be adding to my site. Thanks to everyone who won a prize and helped me name them and thanks to those of you who didn't win but...
View ArticleIntorducing: Erika Diketer
First off, a couple plugs for some friends. If you aren't an everyday reader of Elena Starz blog (and if you aren't, why not?) then you might have missed the launch of her All-New, All-Different...
View ArticleIntroducing: Carrie Cumdripper AKA Power Boi!
Ok, this one is a little different. Unlike all my other characters who interact with each other, this one will exist in his own separate little world where superheroes are a real thing. He's powerless,...
View ArticleCaption Contest 8: Hardcore Sissies!
Last contest had the best turnout of any contest yet. Let's see if we can surpass even that. For the eighth caption contest, the theme - as chosen by you the readers - is hardcore photos. For added...
View ArticleNew Boi in Town
Harcore Sissies Caption Contest is up and running. Check out the details one post down from this one. I promise it's fun.For today, the first ever Jackie Jizzbucket caption. Are you excited? Enjoy!
View ArticleCaptured Pussy
Remember, the Hardcore Caption Contest is up and running. You can find all the details right here. I've had a few submissions come in already and I'm really excited for this one. Today's post is my...
View ArticleDemotion Day
If you haven't heard yet, we're in the middle of the submission period for the newest caption contest - Hardcore Sissies. You have about 4 days or so to check out the details here, make a sexy caption...
View ArticleAnything For His Girlfriend
A few people have asked very nicely for the deadline to be extended on the caption contest so for all of you still putting the finishing touches on your captions, you now have until the afternoon on...
View ArticleBalls in Your Court 2
In case you haven't heard, the deadline for submissions to the super-fun caption contest has been extended until Thursday late afternoon. That gives you about 48 hours to get in on all the awesomeness....
View ArticleVolunteer Chaperone
Remember, you have about 24 hours to get your captions in for the Explicit Caption Contest. I have so many great entries, this is going to be a lot of fun. Don't miss out. Cobble one together and email...
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