It's a Christmas Miracle!
Christmas gets to last an extra day for everyone on this blog because I have three new Christmas-themed captions for you today. Happy holidays to everyone. Enjoy!
View ArticleAnnouncements
Some housekeeping stuff and responses to some email questions:1. For those of you waiting on prize captions from the last contest, I have to admit I haven't even started them but I will this coming...
View ArticleGuest Post
We have a new contribution from GuyBCaps today. I think these are pretty cool and I know they take a lot of work so as long as he keeps making them, I'll keep posting them.
View ArticleMini Contest 2!
So it's been almost a year since I've done a mini-contest and I feel like now's the perfect time for a few reasons. First, I need a little more time to finish my custom prize captions. Second, I have a...
View ArticleThe Spill
Just a reminder that the mini caption contest is up and running, Details are one post down so get to scrolling. Also, there's a very important poll to your right --> Help me decide on the next theme...
View ArticleElena Starz Guest Post: White Boi Career Day
I was going to start posting my custom caption prizes for the last contest today, but I realized tomorrow is the end of the mini contest and I'll be posting the entries. So, instead, I'll email and...
View ArticleMini Contest 2: Voting
Wow, wow, wow. We have some great submissions here for my second Mini-Caption Contest. You guys always impress me with your creativity. I like it when you guys are mean to my characters and you did not...
View ArticleMusta's Custom Caption Prize
Today we begin posting the custom caption prizes from the last caption contest. Check your email if you're expecting a prize, it should be there. That being said, I still have yet to hear anything from...
View ArticleMatty's Custom Caption Prize
Matty asked for a caption featuring Bobbi and Britney where Bobbi "gets the cum fucked out of him" while the sluttier and more willing Britney is left frustrated and forced to do the most degrading...
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