First off, a couple plugs for some friends. If you aren't an everyday reader of Elena Starz blog (and if you aren't, why not?) then you might have missed the launch of her All-New, All-Different Interracial Blog! Ok, maybe not "all-different," since she's been making great interracial caps since I've known her, but now they'll be located in one easy-to-reach location. Check it out here or at the permalink to the left. Also, for the people who like to see my non-interracial sissy captions, I just had three in her last contest you can check out here along with caps from some other great contributors including Musta, Ian and Anzaleth. Which segues into my other plug. Anzaleth has a new blog up and running called Sexy Pop TG Transformations which has the really unique approach of force feminizing popular superheroes. Already some really sexy, humiliating captions up over there. Check it out.
And now that Linkfest 2015 is over, on to the new character. Today's new addition is a former doctor reduced to a lowly feminized nurse in an all-black hospital. Elena Starz chose the wonderfully degrading name of Erika Diketer. Enjoy.