Hardcore Sissies Caption Contest: The Voting!
Alright, I assume that all of the captions that were going to be turned in are in by now. I seriously cannot wait to hear what you all think of these because this is an amazing group of entries. Vote...
View ArticleSissy Politics
All of the entries for the hardcore caption contest have been posted and wow, they are so good. You can see them all one post below this one. You can then vote in the poll to the right. I ask that you...
View ArticleThe Show Must Go On
Keep voting in the poll for the best hardcore captions. You can read all the options right here.Also, enjoy this new caption.
View ArticleConfession is Good for the Soul
About three hours left to vote in the contest. It's a tight race for a few of the prizes so make sure you do your civic duty.
View ArticleTOUCH Football
The winners of the Hardcore Sissy Caption Contest have now been posted on the Winner's Page, which you can see here. Thank you to everyone who participated. You all did an amazing job. If I had the...
View ArticleA Little Insurance Plan (and a little announcement)
So, on the off-chance you haven't heard the big news from another blog, Blogger is kicking most of the captioning community off in a month or so. Like everyone else, I'm looking into my options for...
View ArticleThe Importance of Early Detection
The big news for today is that I've decided on a new site for this blog once Blogger shuts me down. You can find the new Interracial Sissy Captions blog on WordPress at...
View ArticleGame Over
Sorry I've been away a few days but I return with some good news. Blogger is apparently backing down from their original threat to kick us all off (I hear). So the plan for now is to continue on this...
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