For Old Time's Sake
Canceled Plans
Drinks After Work
When No One Is Looking
The Rules
Taking Notice
Candy's Custom Caption Prize
Hey everybody. So I've been kind of quiet on the web site for awhile, it's because I've been really sick for over a week. I'm getting better now and should be responding to the emails I've received in the interim. I'll put up an AMA tomorrow probably to answer all the AMA questions I've gotten in that time. I hope you all have liked the posts I've put up recently, I tried to get one up whenever I was conscious.
Today will start the posting of the custom captions I made for the winners of the Cosplay Contest. We'll start with the one I did for Candy. Candy gave me a photo and asked for a caught with consequences caption of someone dressing for a party.
PS: Missy Sissy, if you read this I still haven't heard back from you on what you'd like for your custom caption so be sure to contact me to claim your prize.
Today will start the posting of the custom captions I made for the winners of the Cosplay Contest. We'll start with the one I did for Candy. Candy gave me a photo and asked for a caught with consequences caption of someone dressing for a party.
PS: Missy Sissy, if you read this I still haven't heard back from you on what you'd like for your custom caption so be sure to contact me to claim your prize.
Ask Me Anything
Anonymous asked: You got. the names wrong in your Last caption its bloswell not valentine
Me: Thanks but I've been away so long I don't know which caption you're referring to. If you remember which one it was let me know and I can edit it.
Anonymous asked: Would you consider expanding to tumblr?
Me: Someone asked me this before. I'll ask you the same thing I asked then: What do you think tumblr would offer me as a blogger or you as a reader that I don't offer now? I'm curious because I don't know much about tumblr. If there's something they do better I would be open to the idea.
Anonymous asked: There should be a focus on Holly with Bobbi and Chrissy. Every sissy needs their mom right? does Britney even have parents?
Me: No, Britney was made from a test tube in a lab that was attempting to make the perfect sissy...j/k.
I probably should do a story that involves Holly. I don't think I've mentioned her once in any of my captions, only in custom caps I've done and haven't posted. I guess I just haven't really been inspired by an idea that involves her yet. As for Britney, she has parents but I've been trying to think of what would make her parents different than Nick and Holly before I write a story about them.
Anonymous asked: Hi Wes - thank you for posting my question! I am such a fan of this blog - what would you say to us exchanging links? I've already posted a link to your blog on mine - would you return the favor? Thanks! http://sexyyoungtranny.blogspot.co.uk
Me: Of course, babe. Your link is now posted.
Anonymous asked: Tattoos tend to mean very specific things. An example in real life and sometimes used on your blog is a spade tattoo or a queen of spades tattoo that shows that the woman who has the tattoo is open to interracial relations or is exclusive to interracial relations respectively. If you were to tattoo a sissy with more than one tattoo design what tattoo would you give them and what would those tattoos mean.
Me: I like that spade tattoo because it's a simple little icon with so much meaning. I especially like to use it on this blog because of the reluctant nature of my sissy characters and the fact that being forced to have a visible tattoo like that with so much meaning behind it would be very humiliating. If I was better at photoshop I'd probably use forced tattoos more on this site. As for coming up with my own design, I've never really thought about it. Off the top of my head I'm imagining a small black heart with pink lips in the center to signify a sissy had been properly trained in oral service. That's a good question I'll have to think about some more.
Anonymous asked: Do you remember that time five years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
Me: Upset on the blog? It didn't exist five years ago. Upset in my personal life? I remember and it still matters.
Me: Thanks but I've been away so long I don't know which caption you're referring to. If you remember which one it was let me know and I can edit it.
Anonymous asked: Would you consider expanding to tumblr?
Me: Someone asked me this before. I'll ask you the same thing I asked then: What do you think tumblr would offer me as a blogger or you as a reader that I don't offer now? I'm curious because I don't know much about tumblr. If there's something they do better I would be open to the idea.
Anonymous asked: There should be a focus on Holly with Bobbi and Chrissy. Every sissy needs their mom right? does Britney even have parents?
Me: No, Britney was made from a test tube in a lab that was attempting to make the perfect sissy...j/k.
I probably should do a story that involves Holly. I don't think I've mentioned her once in any of my captions, only in custom caps I've done and haven't posted. I guess I just haven't really been inspired by an idea that involves her yet. As for Britney, she has parents but I've been trying to think of what would make her parents different than Nick and Holly before I write a story about them.
Anonymous asked: Hi Wes - thank you for posting my question! I am such a fan of this blog - what would you say to us exchanging links? I've already posted a link to your blog on mine - would you return the favor? Thanks! http://sexyyoungtranny.blogspot.co.uk
Me: Of course, babe. Your link is now posted.
Anonymous asked: Tattoos tend to mean very specific things. An example in real life and sometimes used on your blog is a spade tattoo or a queen of spades tattoo that shows that the woman who has the tattoo is open to interracial relations or is exclusive to interracial relations respectively. If you were to tattoo a sissy with more than one tattoo design what tattoo would you give them and what would those tattoos mean.
Me: I like that spade tattoo because it's a simple little icon with so much meaning. I especially like to use it on this blog because of the reluctant nature of my sissy characters and the fact that being forced to have a visible tattoo like that with so much meaning behind it would be very humiliating. If I was better at photoshop I'd probably use forced tattoos more on this site. As for coming up with my own design, I've never really thought about it. Off the top of my head I'm imagining a small black heart with pink lips in the center to signify a sissy had been properly trained in oral service. That's a good question I'll have to think about some more.
Anonymous asked: Do you remember that time five years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
Me: Upset on the blog? It didn't exist five years ago. Upset in my personal life? I remember and it still matters.
Lolly Pop's Custom Caption Prize
Home Remedy
Shilpa Sleazy's Custom Caption Prize
Megan Gwynn's Custom Caption Series
Normally I like to save the Grand Prize winner's custom caption series until the end, but one of my winners elected to have their custom caption remain private and one winner still hasn't contacted me, so we'll skip ahead to Megan.
Megan wanted a series revolving around Petra Lix. She gave me very little direction except that she loves the Petra character and wanted something "we haven't see before." I asked a few more questions to get a few tiny details so I would know I was taking the story down a road Megan would like and I came up with this - a story where rather than trying to hide the fact that he's a pornstar, for once Petra needs to prove that he is...
Megan wanted a series revolving around Petra Lix. She gave me very little direction except that she loves the Petra character and wanted something "we haven't see before." I asked a few more questions to get a few tiny details so I would know I was taking the story down a road Megan would like and I came up with this - a story where rather than trying to hide the fact that he's a pornstar, for once Petra needs to prove that he is...
MILF Punishment
Something Comes Up
Lunch Break Shortcut
Unanswered Questions
Caption Contest 6: Sissies in Bondage
Welcome to this blog's sixth caption contest. So far the feedback has been that they are a lot of fun for readers and even more so for participants. We get a mix of established captioners with their own blogs as well as people giving it a try for the first time. Four out of five contests have had a winner who'd never made captions before, so why not give it a shot?
The Grand Prize
Since it worked well last time, The Grand Prize will be a custom caption series! That's right, the top winner will get a set of four or more captions telling a complete story. (The actual amount will be decided by me based on how much story I can get out of the winner's idea for their custom caption.)
Robert/Bobbi Luvcoxxx - Reluctantly feminized highschool-ish age main character
Christopher/Chrissy Luvcoxxx - Bobbi's younger feminized brother
Nick/Nikki Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's humiliated cuckold father.
Sidney/Sindi Sweetcheeks - MILF sissy with an unfeminized, horny teen son, Daniel
William/Billie Blowswell - Very reluctant teen sissy who doesn't realize/admit how much he's been feminized
Brian/Britney Valentine - Bobbi's best friend who loves being a teen sissy
Cameron/Candy Luvdarc - Force-feminized MILF sissy teacher at Bobbi's school
Peter/Petra Lix - A sissy pornstars who claims to be straight when the camera isn't on
Sukutashi/Suki Fukumore - Asian teen sissy, with a girlfriend pushing him to be more feminine
Trevor Limpley - White cuckold who can't help falling in love with all the sissies
Cara Vixen - Billie's female femdom girlfriend who used to date Bobbi
Angelica Cockteese - Suki's "girlfriend" who loves feminizing white bois
Holly Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's mother and ex-wife of Nick
D'Angelo Blackwood - Bobbi and Chrissy's stepdad. Holly's new black husband.
Malik - Black teen stud who torments Nikki
Mr. Blackstone - Bobbi and Nick's black boss. (Possibly also Trevor's boss. I kind of use the same names over and over)
Mr. Blackwell - Bobbi and Chrissy's black principal
Coach Blackburn - Coach of every sport, apparently
The Rules
1. Choose one of the images below to caption.
1. Choose one of the images below to caption.
2. You can submit as many captions as you like but you can only submit one caption per photo.
3. Captions, like the captions on this blog, should be about forced feminization and interracial in nature (but I'm not strict at all, just have fun).
4. Submit your captions to popov2424@aol.com. For anyone who doesn't know how to make a caption, you can just email me the text and the photo you want and I'll make it for you.
4. Submit your captions to popov2424@aol.com. For anyone who doesn't know how to make a caption, you can just email me the text and the photo you want and I'll make it for you.
5. Submissions will be taken until early evening on Thursday, July 31. All captions will be posted for voting that night.
The Prize
Four to six winners will be selected based on the number of entries. Two or three will be chosen by me and two or three will be chosen by readers in a poll. If there is any overlap between the two, I'll select a runner-up.
The prize will be a caption by me. You can send me a photo, a theme or both and I'll make you a custom caption hitting any fetishes you'd like to see represented.
Four to six winners will be selected based on the number of entries. Two or three will be chosen by me and two or three will be chosen by readers in a poll. If there is any overlap between the two, I'll select a runner-up.
The prize will be a caption by me. You can send me a photo, a theme or both and I'll make you a custom caption hitting any fetishes you'd like to see represented.
The Grand Prize
Since it worked well last time, The Grand Prize will be a custom caption series! That's right, the top winner will get a set of four or more captions telling a complete story. (The actual amount will be decided by me based on how much story I can get out of the winner's idea for their custom caption.)
Character Guide
You DON'T have to use my character names, but for the people who like to:
You DON'T have to use my character names, but for the people who like to:
Robert/Bobbi Luvcoxxx - Reluctantly feminized highschool-ish age main character
Christopher/Chrissy Luvcoxxx - Bobbi's younger feminized brother
Nick/Nikki Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's humiliated cuckold father.
Sidney/Sindi Sweetcheeks - MILF sissy with an unfeminized, horny teen son, Daniel
William/Billie Blowswell - Very reluctant teen sissy who doesn't realize/admit how much he's been feminized
Brian/Britney Valentine - Bobbi's best friend who loves being a teen sissy
Cameron/Candy Luvdarc - Force-feminized MILF sissy teacher at Bobbi's school
Peter/Petra Lix - A sissy pornstars who claims to be straight when the camera isn't on
Sukutashi/Suki Fukumore - Asian teen sissy, with a girlfriend pushing him to be more feminine
Trevor Limpley - White cuckold who can't help falling in love with all the sissies
Cara Vixen - Billie's female femdom girlfriend who used to date Bobbi
Angelica Cockteese - Suki's "girlfriend" who loves feminizing white bois
Holly Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's mother and ex-wife of Nick
D'Angelo Blackwood - Bobbi and Chrissy's stepdad. Holly's new black husband.
Malik - Black teen stud who torments Nikki
Mr. Blackstone - Bobbi and Nick's black boss. (Possibly also Trevor's boss. I kind of use the same names over and over)
Mr. Blackwell - Bobbi and Chrissy's black principal
Coach Blackburn - Coach of every sport, apparently
The New Bois
Caption contest is open so be sure to check out this post for all the details.
Also I completely spaced on linking to Candy's page. Candy made a sequel to the custom caption I made when she won a prize my previous caption contest. Check it out on her page right here.
And here's a new caption: