Channel: Interracial Sissy Captions
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Caption Contest 5: The Voting!

Well, guilting you all into turning in more captions definitely worked. I call it "The Grandma Technique." Those extra couple of days I added more than doubled the amount of entries. They're all amazing. So many creative approaches to cosplay images. I'm really blown away.

As always be sure to read ALL the captions. Because I have so many submissions I'd like for you to vote for your favorite four (4) captions in the poll. I'll also pick my favorites and award the prizes when the poll closes.


Megan Gwynn 1

Megan Gwynn 2


Lolly Pop 1 

Lolly Pop 2 

Lolly Pop 3 

Shilpa Sleazy Series

Sissy Tamer 1 

Sissy Tamer 2

Missy Sissy 1 

Missy Sissy 2 

Missy Sissy 3

Alice Sissy 1

Alice Sissy 2


Candy 1

Candy Series

Dandy Cane

Elena Starz 1 

Elena Starz 2 

Elena Starz 3 

Emily Daniel 

Ian 1

Ian 2

Jenny Jenny

Jessica Rivera


Panty Princess 1

Panty Princess 2

Panty Princess 3 

Panty Princess 4

Panty Princess 5 

Panty Princess 6

Panty Princess 7

Panty Princess 8 

Sissy Rica Dee 1 

Sissy Rica Dee 2 

Sissy Rica Dee 3 

Slutty Eve 1

Slutty Eve 2

Lunch Break Sexting

All the entries for the Cosplay Caption Contest were posted last night - and hot damn they are good. Be sure to check them all out right here. Then you can vote for your four favorites in the poll on the right.

Lost in Sissy Thoughts

You should have noticed the poll to the right for the current caption contest by now. Read all the captions that your fellow readers created right here. Then go vote for your favorite four.

Ask Me Anything

Megan Gwynn asked: I love this contest (and all your contests) and I'm so glad people decided to turn some in at the last minute. But, in looking at the images, I can't help but wonder what awesome and dirty things you would have done with these pictures if you had captioned them. Have you ever thought about going back and captioning the images from your contests or do you consider them used already?

Me: Actually I have thought about that quite a bit but I've never made a decision about it. I'm really on the fence. On the one hand, I have thought of some good ideas for some of those pictures (a lot of them inspired by the great work all of you have done in the contests) on the other hand I don't want to bore readers by giving them images they've already seen captioned by multiple people. Another thought I've had is captioning the images that no one has chosen. What do all of you think? Should I toss the images that I've used in the contests and stick to all-new stuff or would you like to see me put my take on some of them?

Anonymous asked: more sissys forced to wear thongs

Me: Not a question....but ok.

Anonymous asked: would u fuck vince vaughn in a dress with makeup?

Me: Would he have his perpetual 5-o'clock shadow?

Performing for an Audience

Still plenty of time to read through all the great entries in the Cosplay Caption Contest. You can see the entries here before voting in the poll to the right.

I've been super busy with a new job so I didn't get a chance to post anything yesterday. So, hopefully this multi-part caption makes up for it. Enjoy.

Edit: I corrected the typo in the title.

Exclusive Invitation

Rest and Relaxation

Leaving a Message

24 hours left to vote. It's a pretty close race so be sure to read their great captions and help your favorites get a prize.

Cosplay Caption Contest Winners!!!

Hey everybody. Caption contest winners are now posted on the Winners Page. My thanks to everyone who participated, this one was a lot of fun for me. I enjoyed reading each and every one of them. A quick rundown of the winners:

Grand Prize: Megan Gwynn 1
Megan crushed it. Seriously. This caption was far and away my favorite. I even had reservations about choosing the same person twice for the grand prize but Megan's take on a "comic book recap page" about a sissy superhero in peril was just too damn good. Such a great concept.

People's Choice 1A: Lolly Pop 3
Lolly turned in three stellar captions this contest but #3 was the one that got everyone's attention. A really cool idea of having a sissy be accosted by a black man and spanked into begging for it right in front of the girl he was flirting with earlier....so hot.

People's Choice 1B: Shilpa Sleazy
Shilpa is a long-time fan of the blog and caption contest participant. Not only did Shilpa win this time around but actually finished tied for first place in the voting with Lolly Pop. Shilpa's series uses all three sissies in the Luvcoxxx family to tell an awesome story with a little nod to my caption layout in the first two.

People's Choice 3: Candy 1
Candy wrote a novel - jk. Candy had an awesome story involving a black biker gang kidnapping and enslaving a cosplaying sissy. How could that not do well on a site like mine? Plus the inventive layout using both Catwoman pictures really added to the story.

Wes's Choice* 1: Jenny Jenny
Jenny did a caption with a sexy little sissy theater story, but the main thing i liked about it was the cool layout and design. Simple but effective and, because of the story, reminded me almost of a flyer someone might get handed. to come watch Billie's "performance.".

Wes's Choice 2: Missy Sissy 2
Missy nailed it with the "less is more" approach. Simple, to the point captions with a great impact. Missy's Scooby-Doo cosplay themed caption caught my eye immediately. A perfect story for the expression the model has in the photo and a hilarious and sexy ending.

Wes's Choice 3: Ian 1
It's no secret I like my captions dirty and humiliating for my sissies and Ian's entry definitely did it for me with a picture that seemed to be begging someone to do this type of story with it.

*Excluding captions that won in the voting or were by someone who did win in the voting

Ask Me Anything

Anonymous asked: I don't have a question but I just wanted to say congratulations on the new job and I hope it goes well for you. I'm such a huge fan of your site. Thanks for all your sexy captions.

Me: Thank you very much. The job is going very well but it's a job where i don't have set hours or set days even (for now). It makes getting up a daily post pretty difficult but I'm trying my best and when I miss I'm trying to do something special the next day.

Anonymous asked: Hi

Me: My parents told me not to talk to strangers. But technically I just did....so, hello!

Anonymous asked: "PERFORMING FOR AND AUDIENCE" nice grammar u dingus how about u go back 2 school

Me: Thanks for catching my typo. I've corrected it so that now you can enjoy the caption without getting so angry.
Also, since we're correcting grammar:
"Perfroming for and Audience"? Nice grammar, you dingus. How about you go back to school?

You're welcome.

Learning a Trade

Winners for the Cosplay Caption Contest have been posted on the winners page and will be notified about claiming their prize late tonight or tomorrow. 

Being Taken For a Ride

Talent Scout

Ask Me Anything

Anonymous asked: bennyboi was the tru winner of the cap contest fuk u

Me: No. He lost the voting. Don't be rude to the people who won.

Anonymous asked: I'm a sissy, would you chat with me online?

Me: Sure. I'm on Yahoo Messenger as Wes Mantooth702.

Anonymous asked: would u forcibly feminize vince vaughn and make him ur lil sissy bitch?

Me: No, that seems like it would be way too much work. I'd feminize Justin Beiber and make him my bitch.

Anonymous asked: Can a match box?

Me: No.

Tough Market

Special Guest

Just What He Needed


Ask Me Anything

Anonymous asked: I'd like to see another cap like Shooting Sissies in a Barrel. One of my all time favs

Me: I liked making that one. It didn't really get much of a response from readers. I also did a poll once asking what people wanted to see more of on the site and that type of caption got the least votes. But, it's been a long time. Maybe it's time to give it another shot.

Anonymous asked: Hi Wes - love your blog! Mine is: http://sexyyoungtranny.blogspot.co.uk

Me: Thanks, babe. I've visited your site a few times before and really like what you've done with it. We seem to have the same taste in what makes for a beautiful T-Girl and your personal pics have definitely gotten my imagination going a few times.

Anonymous asked: Would you be willing to make a non-incest (for lack of a better term) tag? I love your captions, but some of them involving fathers and sons step a bit outside my comfort zone. If not, that's okay too, but I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Me: I definitely understand your point, but I'm probably not going to go back and re-tag my roughly 400 captions on this blog. But, there already are two tags that can help steer you clear of those types of captions. "Groped by Dad" is what I use whenever a dad is being inappropriate with hiss sissy son - not specifically just "groping". And the "Sindi Sweetcheeks" tag will steer you away from any of Sindi's captions where the son is the one who wants to do the groping. That's not 100% full-proof - I've forgotten a tag here and there - but it should give you a pretty good guide to help you avoid the captions that aren't your cup of tea.

Anonymous asked: The burning, emasculating, finely detailed and obviously painful humiliation that Cara pours on her fairy pussyboi "boyfriend" is electrifyingly sensual. Mre, more much more PLEEEEAAASSSSEEEE! Rape the panty fairy w/his head crammed in a toilet!

Me: More like this is coming for sure. I'm glad you like what I've been doing so far.

Anonymous asked: could you make captions for races other than just black and white

Me: I have an Asian sissy character. I use lots of Latina models in my captions. If you mean will I get away from interracial captions? I've answered that one before but the short answer is "probably not." That's kind of the niche that I've carved out for this blog. If you'd like to see my non-interracial captions check out my contest entries on Elena Starz's blog..

Anonymous asked: How about one were a man's 4-5 sons get feminized, one after another by different people, before being forced himself!

Me: How about one where a man's two sons get feminized, one after the other by different people, before he is forced as well? You can find that story right here.

(Sorry, I couldn't resist).

Anonymous asked: Would you feminize Steve Buscemi?

Me: I can't imagine a scenario where I would ever want to see him feminized. It'sprobably something you can never unsee.

Bathtime Buddies

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