Channel: Interracial Sissy Captions
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A Change of Mind

This is my first solo Suki caption. I hope you like it.

Land of the Free

A little while I go this site passed 3 million page views and I didn't even notice. I've been having too much fun with all of you. Thanks to everyone who reads and enjoys my captions.

Do It For Me

The New Computer

Stay After Class

Ask me Anything

Anonymous asked: Would you ever do or post art of your characters? I think a Bobbi comic would be hot!

Me: I'm not much of an artist so i wouldn't do it, but I would love to post any art that any fans draw of my characters. In fact, one reader is currently illustrating a very short story I wrote about Bobbi and his dad.

Anonymous asked: Would you ever do a collaboration like Working Bois again? Would you be willing to collaborate with someone other than Elena Starz? Would you ever do a sequel to Working Bois? If not, would you use Sammi or Carli in a solo caption? 

Me: It's called "Ask Me Anything" not "Ask Me EVERYthing." I would do a collaboration again. I would be willing to work with someone other than Elena provided it was someone who I thought I could work well with. I would consider doing a sequel to "Working Bois" in the future maybe but no time soon. Maybe someday I would do a Carli/Sammi caption, but I would have to check with Elena first.

Anonymous asked: So what was your more interesting second sissy experience?

Me: Five people asked me this question. I was at a club here in Vegas with some friends. I was at the bar to get a drink when I saw a group of four girls. I waived two of them over and offered to buy them all drinks and bring them back to my friends. We ended up never leaving the bar area and I basically ditched my buddies and to hang out with the ladies. While I was talking to them I realized one was a very well known transsexual pornstar. I don't think I should say her name, but if you watch shemale porn, you've seen her. I played it cool and pretended not to know who she was. We started flirting and we all bounced to another club then another. She and I were dancing and getting handsy and I asked her if she wanted go somewhere private. We went up to her hotel room and she started blowing me in the elevator. I thought her blowjob skills were sort of mediocre for a pornstar but it was still hot. Then we got in her room, she gave me a lapdance and we fucked for a couple hours. She took me like a champ. One of the best sexual experiences of my life. We hung out a little bit longer and then she gave me her number and I took off. We saw each other one more time, the next time she was in Vegas we went on an actual date, but sort of lost touch after that with her living and working in LA.

Anonymous asked: i want to change my body how i can do it this i feeling woman but i am a man

Me: Start taking hormones and save up your money for surgery. It won't be easy but if it's what you want to do it will make you much happier in the long run.

Anonymous asked: Ever had any experiences involving human shit when ass fucking a sissy or actual woman? Damn bitches need to learn how to work an enema, lets her em

Me: No and gross. I don't know what type of filthy sissies or women you've been hanging out with but all the chicks I've been with have been very clean. If anal sex is on the menu for someone they probably know they should "clean up" prior to going out on their date or to a club.

Amy's Custom Caption Prize

Amy did a multi-part series for her entry that really impressed a lot of people and was in first place for much of the voting. Using six of the available images she crafted a story that really took us on a journey through the sissy gym.

For her custom caption, Amy wanted a couple that had been together for a long time despite societal pressure to conform be feminizing the boyfriend. But the power of black dominance would eventually prove too strong and the future husband would instead be forced to reveal himself as "Amy" in front of the former love of his life. It was a lot to cram into one caption but hopefully I got it all in.

Smiles Davis's Custom Caption Prize

Smiles Davis turned in a wealth of captions and caption series but I chose his solo caption about Sindi Sweetcheeks getting in shape for his boss while his tormented son watches. It perfectly captured what I like about the character and why I created him in the first place. And, i loved the ending where the son finally gets what he wants and it only lasts a second.

For the custom caption prize, Smiles asked for anything with Britney and Chrissy together. I had been looking for a reason to use this picture so it seemed a perfect fit.

Ask Me Anything

Megan Gwynn asked: There's no way we can persuade you to tell us who that pornstar was that you had your experience with? Maybe let us guess it? Pleeeeeaaaaase....

Me: I did think about it, but no. I don't think it's fair to use her real name when I don't even use my real name.

Anonymous asked: In the fictional sissy universe you created what happened to black women. and what happens to guys who are gay or transgendered.

Me: That's a good question because it hasn't really been covered in my captions. Black women are mostly the wives and girlfriends of black men. White women are girlfriends or fuck buddies. Then sissies are just sex toys. I keep saying I'll get to a caption featuring a black woman and I promise it is coming. I have the pictures I want to use set aside and a general plot in my head I just haven't written it yet. As for transgenders, they're the willing and happy sissies like Britney. I haven't really given any thought to what would happen to gay men. I suppose they would be forcibly feminized as well.

Anonymous asked: How can I tell my wife I'm ready for men?

Me: Wow, that's a big one. I have no idea. If you no longer have feelings for her (and hopefully you did at one time) then you need to be honest with her and end the marriage - it'd be unfair to do things behind her back. If you do still have feelings for her you still need to be honest but take it slowly. Try roleplaying or suggest watching a movie together. It's hard for me to say because i don't know how adventurous or open your relationship is right now. Also I'm not a marriage counselor and I've never been married.

WARNING: Do not click this jump unless you are prepared to read VERY OFFENSIVE language. We're talking about racial and homophobic slurs. I normally would never post this type of garbage but I felt like showing what the last few days have been like on my "ask me anything" gadget. You've been warned.

Anonymous asked: you fucking nigger faggot quit posting your nigger porch monkey bullshit. all you black fags can go back to fucking africa and be spook fags together. gof fuck yourself you spearchucker

Me: This is the second time I've gotten one like this. Not a big deal. Offensive in general but not specifically to me. I'm white. I find it more embarrassing that somebody still feels this way.

Anonymous asked: Real nice website faggot. I hope you and all your readers get AIDS while you fuck each other and read your queer captions. I love how you say you aren't gay on your site. You write captions about men getting fucked by "big old dicks" Your the biggest faggot on the web. Stop making your fag porn and just kill your self. Maybe your readers will to.

Me: As awful as this one is I like that he clearly has come to a site called "Interracial Sissy Captions," read at least a couple captions AND read some of my ask me anything. If you hate this stuff so much stop reading it you closeted headcase.

Anonymous asked: I'm not leaving my name because I don't want you to bitch and moan about me. I'm the one who asked if anybody actually likes your site. You gave a sarcastic answer so I thought I'd ask again, who reads your shit? I bet your pageviews are fake or just you hitting refresh over and over to satisfy your ego. You compare yourself to forcedfeminization.com all the time, your captions are shit compared to hers. You do the same thing over and over and you think you're so fucking great. You're nobody and your site is garbage. Asshole.

Me: I didn't really answer your question because it's ridiculous. If you hate my site - stay away. It's that simple. I don't come to your house and force you to log in everyday. As for Nikki Jenkins. and her site, I do compare my site to hers pretty often but I've never said mine is better than hers or even equal to hers. I mention that site because I think it's the best caption site on the web and I strive to make mine as good as hers. Same thing over and over again? Maybe. I don't see it that way, though. I think between the different characters, scenarios, contests and multi-part stories I've actually done a decent job of keeping things new.

Anonymous asked: What's been up your ass, buddy

Me: Only your mom's tongue.

Ok, I better take that back. If you meant that to read, "Have you ever put anything up your ass?" Then the answer is no. But I don't think you meant it that way at all, so see the above answer.


Seriously, what the fuck did I do to anybody?

Anyway, that's over now. I'll never post stuff like the first two again. Those will just be deleted. I decided to post them just because I wanted to show the type of hateful garbage I get sometimes. I guess it probably looks pity-seeking. My thanks to the cool people who email and comment and the people with constructive criticism. It's always appreciated. Moving on...

Slutty Eve's Custom Caption Prize

Slutty Eve did a whole load of captions for this contest. my favorite was the series in which she explores the 5 stages of grief but through the lens of sissification. It was pretty ambitious and turned out amazing.

For her custom caption she gave me three very short and concise instructions: Blonde, Cock in mouth, Do your worst. Challenge accepted.

Sissy Tamer's Custom Caption Prize

Sissy Tamer won in the contest with a great caption featuring Petra Lix, the character I created specifically for him after his participation in my first contest, so that was kind of fitting. I thought it showed a great eye for what makes that character sexy - the idea that he claims to not like having sex with big black men even though he does it professionally and is now famous for it.

So for his caption prize he said he wanted another Petra caption. he wanted this one to be about Petra getting recognized in public. I gave him the option of three different photos to choose from and he picked the sexiest but also (of course) the toughest one to make fit a story but I think it turned out great. Also, the model in this photo was originally holding a shotgun - The Magic of Photoshop!

Lolly Pop's Custom Caption Prize

Lolly's winning caption was the winner of the reader voting which tells me you all like your sissy captions to be very naughty. It featured Nikki being roughly treated by some teens at the gym and dragged to the bathroom. It was easily the dirtiest of the captions and if you read this blog enough you know dirty, humiliated and reluctant always plays well here.

For her custom caption Lolly - like Sissy tamer - wanted a caption of Petra Lix, this time trying to get an office job. And - like Slutty Eve - she dared me to do my worst. In fact her actual direction to "be really mean to her. Be filthy." Here's my attempt. Hope you all like it.

Ask Me Anything

Blackly Sums asked: Have you ever considered making a caption of sissies dominating other sissies from different ethnic minorities (e.g. Indian dominating Chinese, etc.)? If so, which race would be the sissiest and which would be the least sissiest (excluding the black race)?

Me: I haven't really thought about doing that, though I'm sure it could make for some fun stories. The main reason it hasn't really crossed my mind is that - like I've said before - the interracial aspect of the captions is the part that interests me the least. I just use it as a plot device (for lack of a better term) so I can have a group of alpha males dominating sissies. So separating the races even further hadn't occurred to me. That doesn't mean i won't have a story with one sissy dominating another sissy eventually, because I do like that idea, but it probably won't be because of their race.

Anonymous asked: You said in the comments that you would Yahoo Message with a fan. Id that open to anyone? I'd LOVE to chat with you. I also have Kik and gchat.

Me: I'm not always signed on, but yes, if you see me logged in feel free to talk to me. My YM ID is WesMantooth702. I don't have Kik and my gchat is private. This AMA gadget is still probably the best way to get a specific question answered though.

Anonymous asked: In the grim, dark future you illustrate here, why do white girls enter relationships with white boys at all? Is it the new way young girls shock their parents or is there some cultural pressure to do so?

Me: I haven't really gotten much of this into the captions, but in my head I imagine that most girls still see white guys as "nice" and "safe," but while they're dating them they realize they want a real man with a big hard cock. Some actively want to date one so they can get off on dominating him and forcing him further down the sissy spiral.

Anonymous asked: post pic of your cock

Me: That's not going to happen without a lot more bourbon.

Anonymous asked: Are you more in support of israel or palestine and WHY?

Me: I wouldn't say I support one more than the other. I know that's kinda a cop out, but I really do feel that way. It's an extremely complex situation and I think you have to empathize with both. There's no easy answer so I don't see how anyone can say "It would all be solved if _____ left the region." They both have legitimate claim to the area and they both have done things to prolong and escalate conflict.

Megan Gwynn's Custom Caption Grand Prize

Megan won the Grand Prize with a caption featuring Candy Luvdarc being forced to substitute teach a boys PE class and things quickly getting out of hand. I enjoyed the effective storytelling with the great premise and then the sexy pay-off.

For her grand prize, Megan gave me some photos of a model she liked and asked me to come up with a story featuring Britney Valentine. You'll notice the story is only three images long, but that was Megan's choice. She only had the three pictures and decided not to have me use a similar-looking model to make it longer ( I didn't want people to think I was short-changing our winner!).

Not According to Plan

In case you didn't notice, if you look under the "Labels" section you'll see that I've added labels for all the different characters in case you want to search for a caption that way.

Just like "The Transfer" was a series that established the status quo for Candy Luvdarc, this series today is meant to establish the new status quo for Nikki Luvcoxxx. I wanted to maybe refocus the character to make him different from Sindi Sweetcheeks aside from defining them by the fact that one has a feminized son and the other doesn't. I hope you like it.

Ask Me Anything

Anonymous asked: Age?

Me: I don't want to say my exact age. So far you know my location, hair color, facial hair, dick size, and favorite things. You're putting together quite the FBI profile on me. I'll say I'm old enough that I've graduated college but less than 10 years ago.

Anonymous asked: Do you plan to make introductions for the Old Characters of Nikki Bobbi and Chrissy?

Me: I wasn't planning on it. I figured by now everybody already knows what those characters are all about. Does anybody else think I should make those?

Anonymous asked: Dude stop photoshopping white cocks into black cocks. It looks fake as shit and kills it

Me: Sorry you don't like it...dude. My choices are photoshop when I need to or use use white cocks. It really comes down to that. There are infinitely more photosets of white girls with white guys than there are interracial sets. Hell, the majority of models don't even have any photosets with black men. I had a poll not that long ago about dropping the interracial aspect of my blog but the vast majority of readers wanted me to keep it. So my other option would be to rarely do hardcore captions, which I know would make a lot of readers upset. So I'm left with asking people to meet me halfway. Think of it like special effects in movies with a low budget. Do they look great? Of course not, but they do the best they can to tell the story for you.

Wardrobe Shopping

Touring the Tour Bus

Ask Me Anything

Lolly Pop asked: I saw there was only one comment on my prize caption and it was really a comment on how there were no comments lol. My question is do you think people would be turned off by you going that far, or going too rough or too dirty? And, do the amount of comments on certain captions guide how you focus your blog? Thanks again for my making me my favorite caption ever.

Me: You're welcome Lolly. I think that you can't put too much stock in the amount of comments. Some of my most popular captions in terms of pageviews have zero comments. Some captions have no comments but receive a decent amount of complimentary emails to me. I do pay attention to all comments and definitely take what everyone says into account moving forward but for the most part I'm just doing what I like. As far as being too dirty...eh...I'm not sure. I know it's not some people's cup of tea. I try not to go really far too often. My captions are always going to be pretty rough and dirty - it's kind of the point of the blog. You asked me to go a little further and I was happy to do it. It has slightly above the average amount of pageviews of the majority of my captions, so no worries that no one likes it. If you and I like it, that's all that matters for your custom caption.

Anonymous asked: In disagreement with the guy complaining about white cocks being shopped into black cocks - It doesn't bother me at all. Sure you can tell if you look closely, but it doesn't make a difference either way. 

Me: Glad to hear it doesn't throw everyone off. A got a few emails saying the same thing.

Anonymous asked: How often do you jerk that big cock of yours? *KISS*

Me: It depends on if I'm in a relationship or not. If I'm dating someone and have daily access to them - probably only a couple times a week because we'll be busy fucking. If I'm single like I am right now - two times a day on average. Some days only once, some days three times, but two sounds about right. I'm always horny.

ShilpaSleazy asked: Would you be interested in introducing an Indian sissy character to your caps like she's in the US for studies and attracted to the black dom culture.
Also, I LOVE YOU(R) CAPS and wish some day I could Thank You On My Knees ;)

Me: Thanks for compliments Shilpa. I've answered this question before in a previous AMA, but I'll tackle it one more time. I might do some captions with an Indian model (probably Priya Rai because she's the only Indian model I have pictures of). I probably will not make a new character though.

Taking Orders

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