Channel: Interracial Sissy Captions
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Caption Contest 4: Gym Sissies

It's finally here. Sorry for the short delay but I doubt anyone cared that much anyway.

Welcome to this blog's fourth caption contest. So far the feedback has been that they are a lot fo fun for readers and even more so for participants. We get a mix of established captioners with their own blogs as well as people giving it a try for the first time. All three contests have had a winner who'd never made captions before, so why not give it a shot?

The Rules
1. Choose one of the images below to caption.
2. You can submit as many captionas you like but you can only submit one caption per photo.
3. Captions, like the captions on this blog, should be about forced feminization and interracial in nature (but I'm not strict at all, just have fun).
4. Submit your captions to popov2424@aol.com. For anyone who doesn't know how to make a caption, you can just email me the text and the photo you want and I'll make it for you.
5. Submissions will be taken until early evening on Tuesday, June 24. All captions will be posted for voting that night. (Voting will most likely take place on another site but I'll explain more on Tuesday.)

The Prize
Four to six winners will be selected based on the number of entries. Two or three will be chosen by me and two or three will be chosen by readers in a poll. If there is any overlap between the two, I'll select a runner-up.
The prize will be a caption by me. You can send me a photo, a theme or both and I'll make you a custom caption hitting any fetishes you'd like to see represented.

The Grand Prize
Since it worked well last time, The Grand Prize will be a custom caption series! That's right, the top winner will get a set of four or more captions telling a complete story. (The actual amount will be decided by me based on how much story I can get out of the winner's idea for their custom caption.) 

Character Guide
You DON'T have to use my character names, but for the people who like to:

Robert/Bobbi Luvcoxxx - Reluctantly feminized highschool-ish age main character

Christopher/Chrissy Luvcoxxx - Bobbi's younger feminized brother
Nick/Nikki Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's humiliated cuckold father.
Sidney/Sindi Sweetcheeks - MILF sissy with an unfeminized, horny teen son
William/Billie Blowswell - Very reluctant teen sissy who doesn't realize/admit how much he's been feminized
Brian/Britney Valentine - Bobbi's best friend who loves being a teen sissy
Cameron/Candy Luvdarc - Force-feminized MILF sissy teacher at Bobbi's school
Sukutashi/Suki Fukumore - Asian teen sissy, with a girlfriend pushing him to be more feminine
Trevor Limpley - White cuckold who can't help falling in love with all the sissies
Cara Vixen - Billie's female femdom girlfriend who used to date Bobbi
Angelica Cocktease - Suki's "girlfriend" who loves feminizing white bois
Holly Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's mother and ex-wife of Nick
D'Angelo Blackwood - Bobbi and Chrissy's stepdad. Holly's new black husband.
Mr. Blackstone - Bobbi and Nick's black boss. (Possibly also Trevor's boss. I kind of use the same names over and over)
Mr. Blackwell - Bobbi and Chrissy's black principal
Coach Blackburn - Coach of every sport, apparently

The Images
The theme for the photos of this particular contest based on your votes in the previous poll will be "Gym Sissies." Are they going to a local gym? PE class? Yoga at home? It's completely up to you! Your choices are:

The Marathon

The submission period is open for the current caption contest. There are plenty of prizes to be handed out - including a Grand Prize - and a really cool theme of sissies at the gym, so don't miss out. Get your submissions in. Details are one post down, or you can just click here.

Ask Me Anything

Lolly Pop asked: I like that you use different models and different looks (breast size, hair color, skin tone) for all your characters, but if you had to pick one model to use from now on for each of your sissy characters, which models would you choose?

Me: Oh, this is a fun question, thanks! I put a little thought into it and came up with this:

Bobbi: Kimber James
Chrissy: Lily Carter
Nikki: Summer Brielle
Candy: Veronica Avluv
Sindi: Angelina Valentine
Britney: Jennifer White
Billie: Domino Presley
Suki: Alina Li

Of all of them, I actually do have a plan to use Vernonica Avluv as the only model for Candy Luvdarc for as long as possible. I just thought it would be cool because I think she's really hot and I have a lot of pictures of her, especially in office/teacher outfits, so it fits that character.

Elena Starz asked: What caps that you have made do you like the most and why?

Me: Another good one. I've really never thought about it. Going back and looking through my "published" folder I guess I'd have to say Working Bois is the thing I'm most proud of because of the effort that went into it and because it turned out so well. Between the flow of the story, the tease of it, and the look of it - it exceeded all my expectations when we started it.
As for single captions here's a rough top 10, in order of when I made them:

Little Kisses: Because I love Sarina Valentine, especially how she looked back then. The idea of the dad seeing his sissy son's lipstick smeared on the crotch of a man's speedo is hot to me.
Stepdad Makes the Rules: This one I like the text, but really I love the picture. It's perfect for my blog.
Twice Cuckolded: This is the same model as the previous caption. I love this one because it's the first time I got across the idea that the black master KNOWS how the dad is reacting to his son's new look and is using that to torment them both.
Weekly Recap: Despite the ugly layout of this one, I just love the complete dominance over every aspect of Bobbi's life.
After Party: I've done a few captions where Bobbi and Chrisy are forced to "lez-out" with each other, but this one is my favorite. The two amazingly sexy models and the idea that they're both too naive/ditzy to realize how many taboo fetishes they're covering at once.
Eye-Opening Experience: I'm a big fan of Gina Lynn and this caption is my favorite of all my femdom captions. I like that the girlfriend had no idea what a sissy her boyfriend was and now that she's seen, there's no going back.
Limo Driver: This one is sexy and I like it, but it's really just the model and the dress. I had this pic on my computer waiting to be captioned, and then I found out the model was an actual transsexual and that jumped it to the front of the line.
Gym Invasion: What can I say? The idea of all those guys cumming inside Bobbi's leotard and him feeling it squishing around makes me hard as a rock.
The Amazing Comic-Con Cutie: This is probably my favorite overall. I'm a huge comic book nerd and I got to express that in a sexy story, with a beautiful model and a stylized version of my new layout that perfectly fits the caption.
Ring Boi: Another example of fitting the new layout to fit the story. Plus, like the comment says, two alphas fighting over who's going to fuck the sissy is hot.

What are your favorites?

Anonymous asked: Have you ever considered making animated gifs?

Me: I don't know how.

Anonymous asked: Where do you find your pictures?

Me: All over. Mostly from Brazzers, Blacks on Blondes, Jules Jordan Video, and Evil Angel Video. If I'm looking for a specific model I'll go to Freeones. If I want more amateur models I go to imagefap and search a certain theme. Transsexual models are much tougher to find - they're usually a combination of imagefap and google searching thumb gallery posts.

Anonymous asked: You mentioned in a previous post that you're mainly attracted to actual girls. When you have sex with them, do you find yourself imagining they are sissies?

Me: I have done that a few times, but it's unusual and never with a girlfriend. Usually I'm just having fun in the moment - I don't need to imagine anything. When I have it's because I'm with a girl who turns out to be boring in bed. If I pick up a girl and go back to my place and she turns out to be the kind of girl who just lies there then I might need to think of something dirty and sexy to actually cum.

Anonymous asked: I love your work thanks for sharing - have you ever thought of setting up a tumblr account as another way for fans to access your great captions?

Me: No, but only because I don't see how it would be different or offer anything else for readers that my blog doesn't offer already. What would the benefits be of a tumblr versus a blogger?

Anonymous asked: Excited for the Bobbi and Kara captions, what about one where Bobbi is forced to try out for cheerleader and ends up stealing Kara's place on the squad? ;)

Me: Almost definitely something similar to that on the way. A bit of a twist to your ending though.


Anonymous asked: The ECB financial statement (6/10/2014) found that gold and gold receivables had increased by EUR 1 million in the previous week, owing to gold coin acquisition. Do you predict this will affect the upcoming regulations of Eurozone monetary policy securities?

Me: I really should have titled this "Ask Me Most Things." I would say the affect will be minimal because modern economists seem to increasingly agree that gold no longer equals "money." Obviously it still hold value but it is no longer a standard by which we base our monetary value as a world society. Try going to the store and buying your groceries with gold - in any country. Furthermore gold has been volatile over the past years seeing major fluctuations in value and straining its credibility as the world's major unit of account.

The Misplaced Sext

Showing Off His Favorite Trick

Still lots of time to get in entries for the caption contest. So far only a few entries have come in. On the bright side, that means the chances of winning a prize are very high. Details are found here.

Today's caption is a sequel to this caption that was very popular and one of my favorites. Enjoy.

Petra Lix: The Audition

Still only a small handful of captions turned in so far for the contest. Details are found right here.

This caption is dedicated to Sissy Tamer. I created the Petra Lix character in a prize caption for him a while back and a few people have emailed me how much they like the idea. So I made a prequel caption to little Peter's first days in the porn industry. This is another one where I'm really happy with the layout. Enjoy.

Ask Me Anything

Megan Gwynn asked: I LOVED your Mary Jane Watson caption. As you might be able to tell by the name I use when I make captions for your site, I'm a bit of a comic book nerd too. What are you reading right now?

Me: Thanks Megan. I did notice your name a while back. Right now I'm reading East of West, Manhattan Projects, Walking Dead, Velvet, Bendis's X-men stuff, Hickman and Remender's Avenger's stuff and Hawkeye. That's in addition to what any of my friend's loan me or random stuff I pick up at the store.

Lolly Pop asked: It looks like your total pageviews are up as you've changed your caption designs and started posting daily, but it looks like comments have decreased and now you say you have less entries for your contest. What is up with people, Wes?

Me: Haha. Pageviews definitely have increased over the last 6 months or so. As for the contest. I'm not too concerned. I got some good ones today (including yours) and I'm hoping to get some more before the deadline. As for comments, they did take a pretty steep dropoff after Working Bois ended. It's not a huge deal but it would be nice to get at least one comment on a caption with almost 2,000 views. Ultimately it's not super important. The people who really like the blog leave comments, send emails or have fun with "Ask Me Anything," and I thank them for it.

Anonymous asked: Do you think you'll do more with "Petra Lix"? That character is so hot!

Me: I put one up yesterday! How is that for service? I went back in time and fulfilled your request before you even made it! I definitely will do more with Petra, and I even added him to the character list for the caption contest in case anyone else wants to use him.

Anonymous asked: Yo Wes, now that I know how much you enjoyed the comic-con caption, do you have any plans to revisit the sissy cosplay concept? There's such a wealth of material I'd love to see Bobbi (and maybe Suki) forced to dress in slutty comic/game costumes.

Me: Definitely. I have comic cosplay image or two that I'll get around to captioning. If I find more images they'll definitely get tossed in my "Caption This Soon" folder. I was actually thinking of adding "sissy cosplay" as a possible theme for a future caption contest.

Anonymous asked: So in your earlier caps as well as that (relatively) recent series centered around Chrissi, you kinda hinted at some foot fetish themes. Can we see more of this? I love sissies and feet, so sissy feet caps would be fantastic!

Me: Yep. It's something I'm into as well. i'm not a huge foot fetish guy but I do like the idea of Trevor or Nick being so overcome with lust for sissies but only being allowed access to their feet. You'll definitely see it pop up from time to time.

Anonymous asked: Would you rather make headlines for saving someone's life or winning a Nobel prize?

Me: Absolutely saving someone's life UNLESS the Nobel prize was the prize for medicine. In that case, I suppose my medical breakthrough would save way more lives than just one.

Anonymous asked: How should the increasingly dire political situation in Iraq with ISIS best be dealt with, both from the perspectives of the Iraqi and US Governments?

Me: These have to be coming from one person. I'm guessing someone in a high school forensics class who has to participate in a Lincoln-Douglass Debate. ISIS is a group that has to be stopped. The reports coming in over the past two weeks of what they've been doing to Iraqi troops who don't immediately throw down their guns and run away are horrifying. From the perspective of the Iraqi government, they need to ask for help. They're obviously too weak to defend themselves and will quickly fall under another dictatorship that would be harmful to its people. From the perspective of the American government, we did a lot of damage to that country, but also did a lot of work training their military to defend itself, setting up a new democratic government and rebuilding infrastructure. Many Iraqi people (and many would say rightfully so) still wanted the US troops out sooner rather than later. This has been an unfortunate result of the US's departure. I think the only thing the US can do is provide military help ONLY if formally asked by the Iraqi government.

A Change of Plans

Just 24 hours left to get in your captions for the current "Sissy Gym" contest. I got a few late last night/early this morning, but I'm still hoping for a few more people to participate. You can find all the details here

ONLY AFTER YOU'VE MADE AND SENT YOUR CONTEST SUBMISSION may you enjoy this new caption featuring my first use of new character Britney Valentine  ;)  Enjoy.

Cancelled Plans

I'm extending the contest submission deadline by 24 hours in the hopes that I get a few more people to send in some captions. I've received multiple captions from the people who submitted but the total number of participants is about half as much as previous contests. Hopefully a few of you stragglers will get something in before this time tomorrow. If not, no worries, we'll proceed as planned with the great captions I've already received.

Today's caption is my first for new character Sindi Sweetcheeks. Enjoy.

Caption Contest 4: The Voting!

It's time for the best part of the caption contest - when all of you get to finally see all the great captions your fellow readers have made. I'm really happy with the amazing entries. The extra day I added to the submission deadline seems to really have helped as well. All the procrastinators turned in a slew of captions. In just a few hours this went form the contest with the fewest entries to the contest with the most entries.

Good news on the poll front as well. You'll see to the right that I found a widget that let's me embed a poll so we are all set to vote. Remember you get to pick your favorite 3 and there are plenty of prizes to go around.

Amy Series


Elena Starz

Fiver 1

Fiver 2

Fiver 3 


Jessica Rivera

Just Another Becky Seires


Lolly Pop 1

Lolly Pop 2

Lolly Pop Series

Megan Gwynn 1

Megan Gwynn Series


Sissy Tamer 1

Sissy Tamer 2

Sissy Tamer 3 

Sissy Tamer 4 

Slutty Eve 1 

Slutty Eve 2

Slutty Eve 3 

Slutty Eve 4 

Slutty Eve 5

Slutty Eve Series 

Smiles Davis 1 

Smiles Davis Series 1

Smiles Davis Series 2 

Smiles Davis Series 3 


Amazing, right? I couldn't be happier with these entries. Go show them some appreciation by voting.

Short Announcement

No new caption today, I wanted to make sure the caption contest was right at the top of my page for one more day. I'll put up something cool tomorrow - probably a multi-caption series.

I did want to make a quick announcement about the voting though. The site that I'm using to host the poll let me know this morning that some has voted more than once using the same IP address. I think I've fixed setting of the poll so that won't be possible anymore, but if I see that alert again I'll just take the poll down and award prizes only to my favorites. It just isn't fair to everyone who worked so hard on their captions and to the people who are currently doing well in the poll. Hopefully the issue is taken care of and we can all just enjoy these amazing caps and thank the people who worked so hard on them.

Ask Me Anything

Anonymous said: I luv your site and have been meaning to enter your contest for ages, but do you really not mind putting the caption together for ppl who don't know how to?

Me: No, I really don't mind at all. I won't do anything special in terms of layout and I don't promise I'll proofread - but sometimes I do. In fact, I made more of the captions for this contest than ever before. I just want as many people to be able to participate as possible.

Megan Gwynn asked: Are you really going to cancel the contest? It's kind of obvious that someone(s) are cheating but what about those of us who aren't? Plus, I'm finally doing well! *POUT*

Me: Haha, first off, well done. Second, I don't think I'll cancel it (yet). I do keep seeing a couple people voting more than once from the same IP address, but it doesn't seem to be a ton. It appears that most of the votes are legitimate. If it gets out of hand again I will shut it down and just award the prizes to the ones I like though.

BobbiFan asked: I'm a huge fan of your site and love all your new characters. What captions are you working on right now?

Me: Thanks and nice username. Right now I'm working on a big caption series. It's massive. I don't want to say anything about it because I don't know if people would rather be surprised or teased. What would you all prefer?

Anonymous asked: Do people really like your captions? I don't get it. They're shit.

Me: Sadly, no. No one likes my captions. Each pageview is done ironically - this site is the hipster hangout of internet captioned image porn.

Anonymous asked: Has this ever been asked before? Why an Anchorman reference?

I mean, besides the fact that the character was amazement...

Me: No real reason. I just liked that movie a lot and that was my favorite character name. I wish there was a better story behind it.

Anonymous asked: Roughly how long do you spend on one caption?

Me: It really depends. A single caption can take me 15 minutes or it can take me hours and hours. If I have to photoshop the photo at all, those are the ones that take forever. My new layout takes a little more time but it's still pretty basic. Sometimes it's the story though. I'll start writing and it's too long so I edit and edit to get it to fit. Or sometimes I write it and think it sucks and then scrap it and start from scratch. Others just write themselves and - BAM - it's done.

Anonymous asked: So i loved the cops caption contest, I was wondering if you've ever considered a prison sissy contest?

Me: I definitely have. It's a sub-genre I like a lot. The problem is I don't have enough prison related photos. Anybody wanna pass some along to me?

Anonymous asked: Would you be open to other author/artist's work on your blog? I only ask because I don't really get excited by my own captions and to be honest I don't really have the time nor desire to keep up my own blog.

Me: I would be open to it, but under special circumstances. I think Elena Starz was the first one to mention the idea of a "guest week" or something on my blog as a way of keeping up the one-post-per day schedule without me getting burned out or hitting writer's block. Sissy Tamer and I have talked about him maybe filling in when I go on vacation. It would have to be someone whose captions I've seen and enjoy like most everyone who have been in one of my caption contests.

Anonymous asked: In most of your caps the sissies tend to stay reluctant and petulant about their situation but in Working Bois Carli went stumbling straight down the black cock rabbit hole. Was that more Elena than you? Do you prefer a reluctant sissy or one who caves?

Me: I've said it before, but Working Bois really was a total collaboration. Elena and I emailed each other ideas back and forth for a long time before we started writing. Together we decided to have Sammi hate it and Carli end up loving it. Elena did write all the "solo" Carli captions, but we both had lots of input on each other's chapters. Some of my favorite Sammi ideas came from Elena. As for what I prefer, I think it's obvious I prefer to write about reluctant humiliated sissies, but I'm writing more and more captions where they reveal they do like it or they're "converted." The Britney Valentine character is a good example of that I hope.

Anonymous asked: They're not coming from just one person, as I've asked ridiculous political questions too. I just can't resist when I see these "ask me" things. Thanks for responding to these questions, by the way, most people just ignore them.

Me: Not a problem. When I started this gadget, I promised myself to answer all questions and answer them truthfully no matter how embarrassing. I just never imagined I'd be embarrassed intellectually.

The Transfer

Caption contest is still open so be sure to vote in the poll over here------------->

For today, as promised, a caption series about Candy Luvdarc. I'm really happy with it. Let me know what you think. 

Chrissy's Princess Party

A few more days left in the voting. It's much closer now than it was after the first couple days so be sure to pick the ones you like best.

Rain Delay

Voting for the caption contest is still open. If you haven't voted yet, you can see all the entries right here.
votes have slowed down a lot so I'm assuming that everybody who wants to vote pretty much has already (some of you more than once), so i might end the poll early. Probably Tuesday afternoon. We'll see.

Stranded Sissy

I think I'm going to end the voting for the caption contest tonight around midnight or so. I'll post the winners tomorrow night. So if you haven't voted yet, make sure you do. There are still five or six people fighting for the top three spots.

If you're still itching for more caption contest action, check out Elena Starz's new contest right here. I've got four new ones I made for her if you want to see my attempt at sissy hypnosis captions.

In the meantime, enjoy this new caption. This is another one I'm really happy with. I think the layout turned out really well.

PS: A little background on the model that I thought was cool. This pic has been floating around for a year or two online, popping up on imagefap and tumblr all the time under headings like "Hot Babes." by all accounts, the model's name is Heidi Kaae aka Dakota Moss, who just happens to be a transsexual. Now, that's cool but it's not so unusual - Bailey Jay, Domino Presley, Sarina Valentina, Kimber James, etc...have always been confused with genetic women online. What IS interesting is that Reality Kings just put up a new scene inspired by this photo. I wonder if they have any idea that their scene on their hetero site is based on an image of a transsexual. 

Ask Me Anything

Anonymous asked: What was your first sissy experience?

Me: I was in college at a bar waiting on my friends to arrive. A girl came up to me and started chatting me up and flirting. At first I thought she was just an attractive girl but after a little while of talking I started to know something was up. She started resting her hand on my shoulder or leg and while I was thinking of what the polite way to ask would be she asked if I wanted to jump to a different bar a few streets away. We got in my car and that's when she told me she was trans. I guess when I didn't freak out she took that as a good sign and started kissing my neck and rubbing me through my jeans. We went back to my place after a few more drinks and she spent the night. Not a very exciting story.. My second experience is the more entertaining one, I guess.

Anonymous asked: After reading your last ask me about answering all questions no matter how embarising...Whats your biggest fetish?

Me: I assume you mean aside from sissies/transsexuals. I have quite a few but I guess my biggest is cuckolding. The idea of a woman being too turned on to stay faithful is pretty hot. Turn that woman into a reluctant sissy and it's even hotter to me. But I have a ton of other fetishes that are all close seconds and thirds.

Anonymous asked: What's your favorite type of music?

Me: I like a lot of different music, but my favorite type is probably electro/dance rock. Really any type of alt rock but my favorite bands are LCD Soundsystem, STRFKR, Justice, Daft Punk, Class Actress and TV on the Radio.

Anonymous asked: Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?

Me: Hear any conversation. No question. I'm naturally curious and a bit insecure so that would come in useful. I'm usually pretty good about saying only what I mean to say. HOWEVER, if I could take back things I do, then that would be different.

I Believe That We Will Win

I'll post the winners late tonight and notify them by email. For now I wanted to get this caption up while it's still relevant.

Camp Suckanchokee

Winners have been posted for the fourth caption contest on my winners page. Congratulations to everyone who participated as this was an exceptional group. The winners have been sent emails about their prizes.

Today's caption uses a picture of a fan of the blog that was sent to me a while ago. Hopefully they still check in and get to see I finally got around to using it like I said I would. Enjoy.

Ask Me Anything

Anonymous asked: This is a pretty nerdy question but you practically invited it. in your opinion which comic book character has the most sissy potential and why is it Robin?

Me: I love this question and the wording of it literally made me laugh out loud. You answered it yourself. Yes, it is Robin, with Aqualad as a very close second. The reason is pretty simple if you think about it. Sure, both wear little short shorts with bare legs, but more than that it's that they are supposed to be teenagers. Because of this they're drawn to be shorter and thinner than other superheroes. Superman would make a terrible sissy because he's tall and ripped. But, a little make-up and a new haircut, and Robin could easily be the sexy "Sissy Wonder." Being a sidekick helps, too. Think of all the perilous situations a sissified Robin would get into.....Well, now I want to do a caption series about it.

Anonymous asked: You said you would answer any question, so after reading that your're tall with an athletic build and facial hair, I have to ask how big is your cock?  :D

Me: An ex wanted to measure me a few years back. She said I was 9 inches, but to be honest she was rounding up a little. I'm probably somewhere between 8.5 and 9 inches. Girls tend to like the thickness though, more than the length. I'm pretty thick. I used to joke it was like a few hockey pucks stacked on top of each other.


Me: STOP YELLING AT ME! I assume this is a follow up question to the last "Ask Me Anything" where I talked about my first time with a trans woman. Her ass felt amazing. She was pretty tight and at first we struggled for me to get inside her. She went back to blowing me and finger herself for awhile until she was a little more open. We used a lot of lube. If you've had sex before you know all vaginas feel basically alike and all asses feel basically alike. So all that really stood out was how tight she was and how sexy her body looked in doggystyle position. She had a nice round ass but fit, not fat at all. She must have spent all her free time walking backwards on a treadmill.
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