Alright, the deadline for the contest has passed (plus a little extra) and the entries are in. I'll post them below for your perusal. Please pick three (3) of your favorites and vote in the poll to the right.
Master Crocker 2
Thanks to everyone who participated. I had a lot of fun reading these as they came in. Enjoy and please be kind and leave feedback for the entries in the comments section. People work very hard on these and I know they'd like to hear what you think.
Lolly Pop 1
Lolly Pop 2
Lolly Pop 3
Musta Series
Musta 1
Megan Gwynn 1
Megan Gwynn 2
Angi 1
Angi 2
Dandy Cane
Sissy Tamer
Crisby 1
Crisby 2
Edi 1
Edi 2
Edi 3
Master Crocker 1
Master Crocker 2
Master Crocker Series
Ian 1
Ian 2
Ian 3
Smiles Davis 1
Smiles Davis 2