Channel: Interracial Sissy Captions
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Alexis Deep's Custom Caption Prize

Alexis wanted a continuation of her caption series that won her this prize. In case you need a refresher, you can find all three caption on the contest winners page. Enjoy.

Anzaleth's Custom Caption Prize

Anzaleth had a really fun idea for is caption prize - Batman has been feminized and enslaved by Catwoman and gets in an awkward situation as he opens up to Alfred, the butler. Enjoy!

Elena Starz's Custom Caption Prize

First things first, thanks to everyone who made the mini-contest such a success. It was way too hard for me to pick a winner. I really mean that. I thought forever about who I should choose and they were all just too good. They all had something that was unique or sexy. So, I upped the total to three winners. Still didn't help me. Finally I decided to leave it up to you. I've chosen the top three based on your votes in the poll. Congratulations to TheSickness (with his first ever caption!), Megan Gwynn and Elena Starz. Check out their winning captions on the Contest Winners Page. The three of you will be getting an email today to talk about your prize.

Next, Elena's custom caption prize from the previous contest. Elena asked for me to make a caption out of a picture from this great pic set of Helly Mae Hellfire. I like that model a lot and just so happened to have the entire set of pictures. I settled on this one and whipped up a sexy Nikki story because I know Elena likes the MILF characters. Enjoy!

Sissy Tamer's Custom Caption prize

Sissy Tamer loves Petra Lix and his directions were very simple: "Petra Lix. Angelina Valentine. Show me what a secret whore he is." I had a lot of fun making this one. Enjoy!

Slutty Eve's Custom Caption Series

We've come to the end of the custom captions from last contest (unless I hear from Jessica Rivera or LilLuvLip), and that means it's time for the grand prize unveiling.

Slutty Eve wanted a series about Britney relentlessly teasing his poor, frustrated, pathetic father - "the sluttier the better." I'm really happy with how this one turned out. I hope you enjoy.

Picture Exchange

Catching Up

Wardrobe Inspection

Introducing: Jackie Jizzbucket

Today is the beginning of the unveiling of the three new characters I'll be adding to my site. Thanks to everyone who won a prize and helped me name them and thanks to those of you who didn't win but sent cool ideas on what type of characters they'd like to see in the future.

Up first is a big city, punk-rock sissy who's more empowered and knows his role in the world and how to use that to his advantage. TheSickness turned down his prize of naming this character and chose instead to be able to select the photo I used. So I passed the naming rights on to LilLuvLip who never claimed a prize from the previous contest. Enjoy!

Intorducing: Erika Diketer

First off, a couple plugs for some friends. If you aren't an everyday reader of Elena Starz blog (and if you aren't, why not?) then you might have missed the launch of her All-New, All-Different Interracial Blog! Ok, maybe not "all-different," since she's been making great interracial caps since I've known her, but now they'll be located in one easy-to-reach location. Check it out here or at the permalink to the left. Also, for the people who like to see my non-interracial sissy captions, I just had three in her last contest you can check out here along with caps from some other great contributors including Musta, Ian and Anzaleth. Which segues into my other plug. Anzaleth has a new blog up and running called Sexy Pop TG Transformations which has the really unique approach of force feminizing popular superheroes. Already some really sexy, humiliating captions up over there. Check it out. 

And now that Linkfest 2015 is over, on to the new character. Today's new addition is a former doctor reduced to a lowly feminized nurse in an all-black hospital. Elena Starz chose the wonderfully degrading name of Erika Diketer. Enjoy.

Introducing: Carrie Cumdripper AKA Power Boi!

Ok, this one is a little different. Unlike all my other characters who interact with each other, this one will exist in his own separate little world where superheroes are a real thing. He's powerless, like Robin, and is forced to wear humiliating outfits and perform humiliating tasks by stronger black heroes and villains. You probably won't see as many captions on this character as everyone else, it will be a once in awhile thing when my inner nerd need to come out for a bit. Thanks to the awesome Megan Gwynn for naming this one. Enjoy.

The Sissy Bowl

Caption Contest 8: Hardcore Sissies!

Last contest had the best turnout of any contest yet. Let's see if we can surpass even that. For the eighth caption contest, the theme - as chosen by you the readers - is hardcore photos. For added excitement we have the three new characters I just introduced that you can play with (if you choose).

Here's the fine print:

The Rules
1. Choose one of the images below to caption.
2. You can submit as many captionas you like but you can only submit one caption per photo.
3. Captions, like the captions on this blog, should be about forced feminization and interracial in nature (but I'm not strict at all, just have fun).
4. Submit your captions to popov2424@aol.com. For anyone who doesn't know how to make a caption, you can just email me the text and the photo you want and I'll make it for you.
5. Submissions will be taken until late afternoon on Monday, January 9. All captions will be posted for voting that night.

The Prize
Four to six winners will be selected based on the number of entries. Two or three will be chosen by me and two or three will be chosen by readers in a poll. If there is any overlap between the two, I'll select a runner-up.
The prize will be a caption by me. You can send me a photo, a theme or both and I'll make you a custom caption hitting any fetishes you'd like to see represented.

The Grand Prize
Since it worked well the last few times, The Grand Prize will be a custom caption series! That's right, the top winner will get a set of four or more captions telling a complete story. (The actual amount will be decided by me based on how much story I can get out of the winner's idea for their custom caption.) 

Character Guide
You DON'T have to use my character names, but for the people who like to:

Robert/Bobbi Luvcoxxx - Reluctantly feminized highschool-ish age main character

Christopher/Chrissy Luvcoxxx - Bobbi's younger feminized brother
Nick/Nikki Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's humiliated cuckold father.
Sidney/Sindi Sweetcheeks - MILF sissy with an unfeminized, horny teen son, Daniel
William/Billie Blowswell - Very reluctant teen sissy who doesn't realize/admit how much he's been feminized
Brian/Britney Valentine - Bobbi's best friend who loves being a teen sissy
Cameron/Candy Luvdarc - Force-feminized MILF sissy teacher at Bobbi's school
Peter/Petra Lix - A sissy pornstars who claims to be straight when the camera isn't on
Jack/Jackie Jizzbucket - Empowered punk-rock sissy who teases Trevor
Erik/Erika Diketer - Sissy nurse at the local hospital
Sukutashi/Suki Fukumore - Asian teen sissy, with a girlfriend pushing him to be more feminine
Trevor Limpley - White cuckold who can't help falling in love with all the sissies
Cara Vixen - Billie's female femdom girlfriend who used to date Bobbi
Angelica Cockteese - Suki's "girlfriend" who loves feminizing white bois
Holly Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's mother and ex-wife of Nick
Belinda Spanksboiz - Femdom teacher at the local highschool
D'Angelo Blackwood - Bobbi and Chrissy's stepdad. Holly's new black husband.
Malik - Black teen stud who torments Nikki
Mr. Blackstone - Bobbi and Nick's black boss. (Possibly also Trevor's boss. I kind of use the same names over and over)
Mr. Blackwell - Bobbi and Chrissy's black principal
Coach Blackburn - Coach of every sport, apparently
Cary/Carrie Cumdump - Sissy superhero known as Power Boi

The Images
There's a good mixture here of blondes, brunettes, pornstars, transsexuals, teens and MILFs - something for everyone and any character!

New Boi in Town

Harcore Sissies Caption Contest is up and running. Check out the details one post down from this one. I promise it's fun.

For today, the first ever Jackie Jizzbucket caption. Are you excited? Enjoy!

Captured Pussy

Remember, the Hardcore Caption Contest is up and running. You can find all the details right here. I've had a few submissions come in already and I'm really excited for this one. 

Today's post is my first full caption of Power Boi, and he's already gotten himself in trouble...

Demotion Day

If you haven't heard yet, we're in the middle of the submission period for the newest caption contest - Hardcore Sissies. You have about 4 days or so to check out the details here, make a sexy caption and email it to me in time to get in on all the fun.

For today's caption, we have my first ever cap of poor Erika...

Express Happy Ending

Anything For His Girlfriend

A few people have asked very nicely for the deadline to be extended on the caption contest so for all of you still putting the finishing touches on your captions, you now have until the afternoon on Thursday. That should be plenty of time.

Balls in Your Court 2

Volunteer Chaperone

Remember, you have about 24 hours to get your captions in for the Explicit Caption Contest. I have so many great entries, this is going to be a lot of fun. Don't miss out. Cobble one together and email it to me (or just the story and pick an image and I'll make it for you) after checking out the details here.

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