Channel: Interracial Sissy Captions
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Happy Thanksgiving

Parent-Teacher Conference

Celebrity Date

Fresh Fish

Birthday Surprise

Ask Me Anything

CalliClark13 asked: Howdy, big fan. Would I be able to join your contests?

Me: Of course, Callie. The more the merrier.

Megan Gwynn asked: I love the expansion of your "universe" on your blog. Your MILF sissy characters have quickly become my favorites. Do you think you'll continue to expand and add even more characters soon?

Me: Probably not "soon." I'm having fun with the characters I have now and I'm still kind of working out the kinks in making sure that each one is distinctly different than the others in how they react to their situations. If I was going to add another character he would have to have something about him that makes his reaction to being feminized unique and interesting from how Bobbi, Britney, Sindi, ect. react.

Anonymous asked: I miss your captions about Bobbi's dad being tortured by how hot his son has become. Why did those go away?

Me: I still do them from time to time, but I have slowed those down a bit. The reason is because I'm having more fun writing about "Nikki" than "Nick." I've had a couple emails ask me for more of those captions though. More current thought is that Billie's and Britney's dads will become the new tortured dads. I can use both characters depending on whether I want the son to be a tease or to be grossed out by it.

Anonymous asked: Do you not do Ask Me Anything anymore? I have questions.

Me: Ta-Da! I try to only do it when I have three or more questions. This is the first time in a long time I've had enough questions to answer.

Caption Contest 7: Schoolbois!

Back by (mostly) popular demand is the seventh caption contest and the theme - as chosen by you the readers is schoolbois. I'm REALLY excited for this one because I think the group of images are some of the best that I've ever had in a caption contest. Here's the fine print:

The Rules
1. Choose one of the images below to caption.
2. You can submit as many captionas you like but you can only submit one caption per photo.
3. Captions, like the captions on this blog, should be about forced feminization and interracial in nature (but I'm not strict at all, just have fun).
4. Submit your captions to popov2424@aol.com. For anyone who doesn't know how to make a caption, you can just email me the text and the photo you want and I'll make it for you.
5. Submissions will be taken until early afternoon on Tuesday, December 9. All captions will be posted for voting that night.

The Prize
Four to six winners will be selected based on the number of entries. Two or three will be chosen by me and two or three will be chosen by readers in a poll. If there is any overlap between the two, I'll select a runner-up.
The prize will be a caption by me. You can send me a photo, a theme or both and I'll make you a custom caption hitting any fetishes you'd like to see represented.

The Grand Prize
Since it worked well the last few times, The Grand Prize will be a custom caption series! That's right, the top winner will get a set of four or more captions telling a complete story. (The actual amount will be decided by me based on how much story I can get out of the winner's idea for their custom caption.) 

Character Guide
You DON'T have to use my character names, but for the people who like to:

Robert/Bobbi Luvcoxxx - Reluctantly feminized highschool-ish age main character

Christopher/Chrissy Luvcoxxx - Bobbi's younger feminized brother
Nick/Nikki Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's humiliated cuckold father.
Sidney/Sindi Sweetcheeks - MILF sissy with an unfeminized, horny teen son, Daniel
William/Billie Blowswell - Very reluctant teen sissy who doesn't realize/admit how much he's been feminized
Brian/Britney Valentine - Bobbi's best friend who loves being a teen sissy
Cameron/Candy Luvdarc - Force-feminized MILF sissy teacher at Bobbi's school
Peter/Petra Lix - A sissy pornstars who claims to be straight when the camera isn't on
Sukutashi/Suki Fukumore - Asian teen sissy, with a girlfriend pushing him to be more feminine
Trevor Limpley - White cuckold who can't help falling in love with all the sissies
Cara Vixen - Billie's female femdom girlfriend who used to date Bobbi
Angelica Cockteese - Suki's "girlfriend" who loves feminizing white bois
Holly Luvcoxxx - Bobbi and Chrissy's mother and ex-wife of Nick
D'Angelo Blackwood - Bobbi and Chrissy's stepdad. Holly's new black husband.
Malik - Black teen stud who torments Nikki
Mr. Blackstone - Bobbi and Nick's black boss. (Possibly also Trevor's boss. I kind of use the same names over and over)
Mr. Blackwell - Bobbi and Chrissy's black principal
Coach Blackburn - Coach of every sport, apparently

The Images
There's a good mixture here of blondes, brunettes, pornstars, models, transsexuals, teens and MILFs - something for everyone and any character.

Progress Report

The Sleepover

I've got just a handful of submissions for the caption contest so far. They've all been fantastic. I can't wait to see what some of you have been working on. All the details can be found right here.

Cab Confession

You guys aren't going to believe how much fun you're going to have reading all the entries for the Schoolboi caption contest. Seriously, this contest has been a huge success already just based on the quality and quantity of submissions I've received. That being said. I had a couple people ask for an extension on the deadline. They both asked really nicely and they both have competed before so I feel they've earned a little extra time. So All entries have to be in by Thursday afternoon and will be posted Thursday night. For any other procrastinators that want to have some fun with the rest of us, you can find the details right here.

One more order of business - someone hinted that my Spring.me Ask Me Anything box might not be working properly. It appears that's true. Anybody know how to fix it? In the meantime if you have an AMA question for me just send it to popov2424@aol.com with the subject line "Ask Me Anything," and I'll be happy to post an answer.

And finally, time for a new caption...

Caption Contest 7: Schoolbois - The Voting

Wow. Just wow.

You all really stepped up the game this contest. This is definitely the most captions I've received for one of my contests and the quality is even more impressive. There are a lot so I'm going to change the voting rules a bit.

You vote for your favorite FIVE (5) captions in the poll to the right. This means I will probably also up the number of prizes by one or two.

So read, enjoy, vote and comment.

Elena Starz 1

Elena Starz 2 

Elena Starz 3

Teaser 1 

Sissy Tamer 1 

Sissy Tamer 2

Musta Series

Loly Pop 1 

Lolly Pop 2 

Megan Gwynn 1

Anzaleth 1

Anzaleth 2 

Candy 1

Edi 1

Edi Series

Edi 2 

Shilpa Sleazy 1

Shilpa Sleazy 2 

Shilpa Sleazy 3 

Shilpa Sleazy 4 

Shilpa Sleazy 5

Shilpa Sleazy 6 

Callie Clark 1 

Callie Clark 2

Jessica Rivera 1

XxDarrellxX 1

Alexis Deep Series

LilLuvLip Series

C2Sanon 1 

C2Sanon 2

C2Sanon 3

Matty Series

Sissy Rica Dee 1

Sissy Rica Dee 2

Sissy Rica Dee 3

Sissy Rica Dee 4

Sissy Rica Dee 5

Anderson 1

Anderson 2

Anderson 3

Anderson 4

Anderson 5

Anderson 6

Anderson 7

Slutty Eve Series

Slutty Eve 1

Slutty Eve 2

Slutty Eve 3

Slutty Eve 4

Slutty Eve 5

Slutty Eve 6

Slutty Eve 7

Slutty Eve 8 

Slutty Eve 9

Slutty Eve 10

Slutty Eve 11

Slutty Eve 12 

Slutty Eve 13 

Slutty Eve 14

Slutty Eve 15

Slutty Eve 16 

Slutty Eve 17

Slutty Eve 18 

Slutty Eve 19

Father-Son Talk

Beware of Free Gifts

If you haven't voted in the contest yet...what are you waiting for?

Bois of Anarchy

Assistant Coach

One day left to vote in the poll. Stop stalling!

Schoolboi Contest Winners Posted

The votes have been counted and the winners of the seventh caption contest are now posted on the winners page located here.

I don't think it will shock anyone who read all the entries that this particular contest was a huge success in terms of both quantity and quality. It was EXTREMELY difficult to pick the winners. And took me quite a bit of time to make my decision.

For newer readers or participants, I choose my grand prize winner first, then I take the top four vote-getters and then I pick my own four favorites from the remaining captions.

Grand Prize Winner: Slutty Eve's Series
Like the previous contest, my decision for the grand prize was basically a three-way tie. I thought and thought about which one might stand out a bit more but they all excelled in such different ways. Ultimately, I chose Eve's series. I loved the storyline of Bobbi's futile resistance and the fun of seeing every character from my blog pop up in one way or another. In the end, Eve got bonus points for the Herculean task of doing this series along with a solo caption for every single picture in the contest!

People's Choice #1: Alexis Deep's Series
Alexis's story about a sissy's mother pushing him down the road to slutty sissy oblivion was well-received by readers. A great use of one of my given pictures enhanced by adding matching photos from Alexis's own collection.

People's Choice #2: Musta's Series
Another parallel to the last contest. Once again the previous contest's grand prize winner almost won this contest. Musta once again amazed me with creativity. Both in the story itself and this time with the design. It was really hard not to give this one the grand prize. Just amazing work.

People's Choice #3: Elena Starz 1
I had a pretty good idea we'd see Elena in the winner's circle, and I even had a suspicion it might be involving this photo. This contest seemed right in her wheelhouse and that many big-boobied, bimbo-looking schoolbois would be perfect for her. Elena, as always, did not disappoint with this homerun.

People's Choice #4: Matty Series
A flurry of people voting right before time expired on the poll moved Matty into the fourth spot by one vote. Like Alexis Deep, Matty used his own photos to enhance to the one I provided making a really cool series about Candy trying to sacrifice Bobbi and Chrissy in his place.

My Choice #1: LilLuvLip Series
This was definitely the contest of amazing multi-part series. LilLuvLip's story of a schoolboi through the high school years was a really creative way to use the different models. A great entry.

My Choice #2: Sissy Tamer 1
When Sissy Tamer emailed me his submissions he said he wasn't feeling very creative when he wrote it so he wasn't expecting to do well but he likes participating. If this is him at 50% I'll still take it! Sissy Tamer's captions always get me turned on and this one was no exception. One of the straight-up hottest entries this contest.

My Choice #3: Anzaleth 1
Anzaleth caught my attention for two reasons. First it was a great use of very under-used character Holly Luvcoxxx. Second, I love the addition of new character Ms. Spankboiz. I've already gotten permission to maybe use that character again in the future.

My Choice #4: Jessica Rivera 1
Jessica's Britney caption was another that got me all worked up in a good way. A perfect Britney caption in that it captures the unbridled sluttiness but this one had a nice creative element by adding Britney's pathetic dad. Sexy stuff.

Honorable Mention: Slutty Eve 1
No extra prize for this one, I just wanted to acknowledge once more the sheer amount of work that Slutty Eve did this contest by picking my favorite of her single captions.

The Gloryhole Experiment: Part 1

My thanks again to everyone who helped make this last caption contest so successful. The winners have been posted on the Winner's Page and should see in email in their inbox tonight.

Notice that there are some new polls on the right side of this page. I'd appreciate everyone's input.

Finally, I like to (when possible) put up a nice long caption series after each contest as a little thank you. This is a 18-part story so the second half will be up tomorrow. I'm really happy with this one and hope you like it.

The Gloryhole Experiment: Part 2

Ok, here's part 2 (of 2) to my newest multi-part caption story. I hope everyone likes it.


Beach Lube

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