Candy's Custom Caption Prize
Hey everybody. So I've been kind of quiet on the web site for awhile, it's because I've been really sick for over a week. I'm getting better now and should be responding to the emails I've received in...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Anonymous asked: You got. the names wrong in your Last caption its bloswell not valentineMe: Thanks but I've been away so long I don't know which caption you're referring to. If you remember which one...
View ArticleLolly Pop's Custom Caption Prize
Up today is Lolly Pop's custom caption. Lolly wanted me to caption this picture of Whitney Cummings and make it about Petra Lix on the red carpet of the AVN Awards show.
View ArticleHome Remedy
Today's custom caption is for Ian who wanted one where a sissy gets his penis-enlargement cream switched out for itching powder by black men and then gets caught "icing" himself by a girl. Very...
View ArticleShilpa Sleazy's Custom Caption Prize
Shilpa wanted one with an Indian sissy moving to town and becoming a huge whore for black cock.
View ArticleMegan Gwynn's Custom Caption Series
Normally I like to save the Grand Prize winner's custom caption series until the end, but one of my winners elected to have their custom caption remain private and one winner still hasn't contacted me,...
View ArticleCaption Contest 6: Sissies in Bondage
Welcome to this blog's sixth caption contest. So far the feedback has been that they are a lot of fun for readers and even more so for participants. We get a mix of established captioners with their...
View ArticleThe New Bois
Caption contest is open so be sure to check out this post for all the details.Also I completely spaced on linking to Candy's page. Candy made a sequel to the custom caption I made when she won a prize...
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