Neighborhood Watch
Head over to Elena Starz's blog to check out my entries in her current caption contest. I've got three new captions entered that I think turned out pretty well. Leave a comment and let me know what you...
View ArticlePetra's Femboi Fitness
I'm putting the finishing touches on a 30-part series. I think I'll split it into two days starting tomorrow. I hope you'll all love it. In the meantime, check out this new one:
View ArticleProm Queens: Parts 1 - 16
I'm pleased to present the caption series I've been working on for a very long time. This is a 30-part series about the prom at Malcolm X High School and it features every one of my characters. Because...
View ArticleProm Queens: Parts 17 - 30
The second half of my 30-part captions series. Please enjoy.My thank to the few people who have already left comments on this series. It took a lot of time to make so it's great to hear it's been a hit...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Anonymous asked: I tried to find WesMantooth on yahoo messanger but I didn't see you. Do you go on private?Me: The first issue is that my name on YM is WesMantooth702. The other issue might be that I'm...
View ArticleTwo Captains
Thanks again to everyone who commented on "Prom Queens," especially to the people who emailed me longer comments. I'm really happy with how it turned out so it's always nice to hear people enjoyed...
View ArticleLearn Your Lesson
I had to push the new contest back a day. I was just too busy last night and today to sort through the photos and pick the best 15-20. I'll sort tonight and get it up tomorrow though.In the meantime,...
View ArticleCaption Contest 5: Cosplay
Welcome to this blog's fifrth caption contest. So far the feedback has been that they are a lot fo fun for readers and even more so for participants. We get a mix of established captioners with their...
View ArticleRap Video Bois
The submission period for the current ccaption contest is now open. Lots of great images to choose from along with details on how to win listed here. Give it a look and take a shot. Right now your...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Anonymous asked: Now that you've written a few captions for each of your new characters, who has become your favorite?Me: Good question. I think I probably like Candy the best. There are just so many...
View ArticleDriver's Ed Tutor
Still lots of time left in the caption contest. You can find all the fun details right here.Â
View ArticleSpring Break MILFs
Still time left in the current caption contest. So far I only have entries from two people so hopefully you're all still working on yours. All the details can be found here.
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
So this one technically wasn't a "AMA" question but I thought I should post the information that friend-of-the-blog Ian sent me regarding my last "AMA":"Hi Wes, don't know if you have been emailed but...
View ArticleGrounded
Still waiting on more caption contest entries. You can find all the fun details here. take a look.
View ArticleThe Auction
This was supposed to be the home-stretch for the current caption contest, but we're pretty low on submissions. I'm going to extend the entry period for a couple more days and see if that helps. If you...
View ArticleThe Price of Fame
I'm going to shut down the submission period for the caption contest on Monday morning and post the entries Monday afternoon. So any stragglers have through Sunday if they're still working. It seems...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Anonymous asked: How many captions do you currently have saved and ready to go?Me: After I post today I'll still have 16 solo captions, a 20-part series, an 18-part series and a 5-part...
View ArticleArticle 0
About 36 hours to get your captions in for the contest. These extra days seem to have done the trick because I've gotten quite a few all of a sudden. I didn't realize I had so many procrastinators...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Anonymous asked: hurry up and just post the frickn contest u dingus ur not getting submissions in the last hourMe: Wow. Just fucking wow.First off, I actually got submissions from four other...
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