Caption Contest 4: Gym Sissies
It's finally here. Sorry for the short delay but I doubt anyone cared that much anyway.Welcome to this blog's fourth caption contest. So far the feedback has been that they are a lot fo fun for readers...
View ArticleThe Marathon
The submission period is open for the current caption contest. There are plenty of prizes to be handed out - including a Grand Prize - and a really cool theme of sissies at the gym, so don't miss out....
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Lolly Pop asked: I like that you use different models and different looks (breast size, hair color, skin tone) for all your characters, but if you had to pick one model to use from now on for each of...
View ArticleThe Misplaced Sext
Participation in the current caption contest has been almost non-existent. I'm hoping you are all just procrastinators or maybe taking your time on your work to make this contest the best yet. All the...
View ArticleShowing Off His Favorite Trick
Still lots of time to get in entries for the caption contest. So far only a few entries have come in. On the bright side, that means the chances of winning a prize are very high. Details are found...
View ArticlePetra Lix: The Audition
Still only a small handful of captions turned in so far for the contest. Details are found right here.This caption is dedicated to Sissy Tamer. I created the Petra Lix character in a prize caption for...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Megan Gwynn asked: I LOVED your Mary Jane Watson caption. As you might be able to tell by the name I use when I make captions for your site, I'm a bit of a comic book nerd too. What are you reading...
View ArticleA Change of Plans
Just 24 hours left to get in your captions for the current "Sissy Gym" contest. I got a few late last night/early this morning, but I'm still hoping for a few more people to participate. You can find...
View ArticleCancelled Plans
I'm extending the contest submission deadline by 24 hours in the hopes that I get a few more people to send in some captions. I've received multiple captions from the people who submitted but the total...
View ArticleCaption Contest 4: The Voting!
It's time for the best part of the caption contest - when all of you get to finally see all the great captions your fellow readers have made. I'm really happy with the amazing entries. The extra day I...
View ArticleShort Announcement
No new caption today, I wanted to make sure the caption contest was right at the top of my page for one more day. I'll put up something cool tomorrow - probably a multi-caption series.I did want to...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Anonymous said: I luv your site and have been meaning to enter your contest for ages, but do you really not mind putting the caption together for ppl who don't know how to?Me: No, I really don't mind...
View ArticleThe Transfer
Caption contest is still open so be sure to vote in the poll over here------------->Read all of the entries right here.For today, as promised, a caption series about Candy Luvdarc. I'm really happy...
View ArticleChrissy's Princess Party
A few more days left in the voting. It's much closer now than it was after the first couple days so be sure to pick the ones you like best.
View ArticleRain Delay
Voting for the caption contest is still open. If you haven't voted yet, you can see all the entries right here.votes have slowed down a lot so I'm assuming that everybody who wants to vote pretty much...
View ArticleStranded Sissy
I think I'm going to end the voting for the caption contest tonight around midnight or so. I'll post the winners tomorrow night. So if you haven't voted yet, make sure you do. There are still five or...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Anonymous asked: What was your first sissy experience?Me: I was in college at a bar waiting on my friends to arrive. A girl came up to me and started chatting me up and flirting. At first I thought she...
View ArticleI Believe That We Will Win
I'll post the winners late tonight and notify them by email. For now I wanted to get this caption up while it's still relevant.
View ArticleCamp Suckanchokee
Winners have been posted for the fourth caption contest on my winners page. Congratulations to everyone who participated as this was an exceptional group. The winners have been sent emails about their...
View ArticleAsk Me Anything
Anonymous asked: This is a pretty nerdy question but you practically invited it. in your opinion which comic book character has the most sissy potential and why is it Robin?Me: I love this question and...
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